وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي

Research centre in Industrial Technologies -CRTI-

EChahid Mohammed ABASSI

Legal Texts

- Authorization of absence for researchers and evaluation methods of the annual activities of permanent researchers. Bylaw of Chaoual 28th, 1437 corresponding to August 2nd, 2016, setting the conditions for granting authorizations of absence for permanent researchers preparing a PhD thesis and the evaluation procedures for the annual activities of permanent researchers

- orientation law on scientific research and technological development: Law No 15-21 of 30/12/2015 on the orientation law on scientific research and technological development

- List of services or expertise provided by the EPST: Bylaw No. 1273 of 28/12/2015, related to setting the list of services and/or expertise provided by the EPST in addition to its main missions and the methods for allocating the related resources

- EPST standard classification and access conditions to higher positions: Interministerial Bylaw of 21/11/2013 concerning fixing the standard classification of Public Establishments of Scientific and Technological Nature as well as the Conditions of Access to higher positions under the supervision of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

- Creation and operation of a research team: Executive Decree No. 13-109 of 03/17/2013, concerning setting terms of creation and operation of research teams

- Common scientific and technological research services: Executive Decree No. 12-293 of 07/21/2012, related to setting the missions, organization and operation of common scientific and technological research services.

- Compensation scheme for research support staff: Executive Decree No. 12-22 of 01/17/2012, related to establishing the compensation scheme for employees belonging to the category of research support staff

- Special status of research support staff: Executive Decree No. 11-443 of 26/12/2011, on the special status of employees belonging to the category of research support staff

- EPST standard status: Executive Decree No. 11-396 of 24/11/2011, setting the standard status of public scientific and technological establishments

- Special Status of Permanent Researchers: Executive Decree No. 08-131 of 04/03/2008, on Special Status of Permanent Researchers in Scientific Research and Technological Development

- Research orientation law 08-05: Law No 08-05 of 02/23/2008, amending and supplementing law No 98-11 of Rabie Ethani 29th, 1419 corresponding to 08/22/1998 on orientation law and five-year projection program on scientific research and technological development 1998-2002

- Arreté fixant les critères de sélection d'admissibilté au programme de mobilité de courte durée et de perfectionnement à l'étranger

- Décret exécutif n° 24-104 du 26 Chaâbane 1445 correspondant au 7 mars 2024 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif n° 08-131 du 27 Rabie Ethani 1429 correspondant au 3 mai 2008 portant statut particulier du chercheur permanent.

- Décret exécutif n° 24-105 du 26 Chaâbane 1445 correspondant au 7 mars 2024 modifiant le décret exécutif n° 10-250 du 12 Dhou El Kaâda 1431 correspondant au 20 octobre 2010 instituant le régime indemnitaire du chercheur permanent.

Copyright 2020 © CRTI All Rights Reserved Research Center in Industrial Technologies - CRTI P.O.Box 64, Cheraga 16014 Algiers, Algeria www.crti.dz